

I read the words in Psalm 84:11 several weeks after I learned that my husband and I were pregnant with our first child. We hung a tiny orange onesie above the window in our bedroom and prayed over this baby constantly. I hid this verse in my heart believing it was a promise from God. He was not withholding anything from me, He had answered each prayer to bring a baby into our arms. And then five days later, I had a miscarriage. This verse replayed in my thoughts almost rhythmically. Like a song I couldn’t get out of my head.

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After reading Isaiah 35:3-4 this morning, I feel like God is speaking to me. I’m 82 years old and my husband, Karl, is 84 and we are challenged each day with doubts, weakened bodies, issues that stress us, and frightened hearts when health problems appear out of nowhere. This is why we start each morning with open Bibles and choose to listen to God telling us not to fear, for He is near. Bible verses like the one above will remind us to see the Holy way in which we are invited to walk and to have “Joy on the Journey”. Joy, not fear.

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My earliest memories are centered on my family either being at church, or being with friends from church.  Words like “hallelujah,” “grace,” and “mercy” along with phrases like “taking up my cross,” “God is good,” and “worship him always” were common for me to hear.  However, it was less common for me to understand what they meant. That phrase “worship Him always” used to stress me out. How can I possibly sing to God constantly? Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.” When this verse made it into my heart and the Holy Spirit helped me...

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