
The importance of scripture in my life.

My earliest memories are centered on my family either being at church, or being with friends from church.  Words like “hallelujah,” “grace,” and “mercy” along with phrases like “taking up my cross,” “God is good,” and “worship him always” were common for me to hear.  However, it was less common for me to understand what they meant. That phrase “worship Him always” used to stress me out. How can I possibly sing to God constantly? Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.” When this verse made it into my heart and the Holy Spirit helped me to understand it, I was thrilled because I understood, finally, that my actions throughout the day are how I worship God always.

When I only had the words of other people in my head and not the word of the Lord in my heart, I had a very hard time putting the pieces of my faith together. In my life scripture has been the light that illuminates clarity and eliminates confusion.