Contact Us
Product Questions
If you have questions, comments or concerns about our products or your shopping experience, please reach out at and we will do all that we can to assist you. If you have questions about returns, please learn more here.
Stories of Faith
What an honor it is to create the vessels that you use to show encouragement, love and kindness to others. It's our joy to share those moments with you in some small part. We would love to hear your stories about how God is using scripture to impact your life and the lives of those around you. Let's not make this relationship purely transactional, okay? Share your story at
Retail Partners
Are you interested in carrying Embolden social stationery in your shop? It would be our pleasure to partner with you. To get started as an Embolden retailer, please share your store name, location and website in your outreach and we will provide you with a copy of our latest wholesale catalog.
Please email us at and we'll be in touch.
Follow us @emboldengoods